Pastor Marty Braemer and his wife Shari bring over thirty years of pastoral ministry to Midway. His messages are expository with practical life application presented with humor and personal connection. Pastor Marty loves sports, old movies, history, and radio production. Shari leads Bible studies, women's fellowship, plays keyboard, teaching kids and mentoring teen girls and young mothers. The Braemer's have four adult children.
Midway is a faith family of believers who come a variety of backgrounds and life experiences.
We don't just gather on Sunday ...
we do life together!
Throughout the week we help each other, laugh together, and help carry each other's burdens.
Midway has families, single moms, single dads, grandparents raising their grandchildren, kids, teens and everything in between.
Knowing Christ and Making Him Known is the heartbeat of Midway Baptist Church.
Despite the difference in backgrounds and life experiences, the bond that unites us is our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Our Purpose and Desire is that in every ministry we offer from children to community outreach that we are sharing the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.
We believe that God's presence is real and powerful, and that He desires to encounter us in a personal way. We offer opportunities to experience God's presence through prayer, worship,Bible studies, conferences and revival meetings.
Office Hours
Monday - Wednesday
9am - 1pm
10am - 2pm
-other times available by appointment-
ph (478) 935-8990
From the Breakfast Crew who cooks on Sunday mornings to those who teach, work in the nursery, run the media ministry, or minister on the Praise team ... it takes a dedicated team of people serving together to make a ministry run. Would you like to see what you could do?
If you arrive for our Midway Mornings Breakfast between 9:30 and 9:45am, please come to the Family Life Center between our Worship Center on the left and KidZone on the right. If you arrive for the morning service, please come to the worship center where our Welcome Team can help you and your family.
Our children enjoy breakfast at the Midway Morning at 9:30am. After that, we have exciting Sunday School classes for children and youth. During our morning worship service, we have a staffed nursery and children's church. Families may also choose to stay together for the main service.
The service starts at 10:45am and lasts to about 12:00pm. The worship service offers praise & worship music blended with hymns and a message from Pastor Marty or guest ministry. At times there will be Lord's Supper, Testimonies, Believer's Baptism, and Other Special Presentations. On the LAST Sunday of each month, we have a Midway Meal following the morning service instead of breakfast.
At Midway Baptist, you'll see everything from suits and ties to shorts and t-shirts, and neither of those are better or worse than the other. Come as you are and join a community of people who care a lot more about loving you than about what you look like.
Is there something in your life that you feel God wouldn't love you for or the church would judge you over? The truth is, we're all a mess, but Jesus loves us anyway! Whatever you may be facing, we welcome you! We'd love to hear your story and walk with you on your spiritual journey!
If you fill out a guest card in our service, our pastor or visitation team will try to connect with you the following week - either by phone or with a visit. We certainly don't want to be pushy, but we want to be welcoming, loving, and available to you.
Midway Baptist Church stands firmly and without apology on the Word of God for our faith and practice. We interpret the Bible literally, apply it practically, and live it lovingly.
As Augustine wrote 'On essential doctrine we must have unity. On non essential doctrine we have liberty. In all areas let us exercise charity.'